
17 November 2022

Launch of IDMC’s report “Informing better access to education for IDPs”

Hybrid launch event for IDMC’s new report “Informing better access to education for IDPs”
Thursday 17 November at 15.00-16.30 (CET)

Global Geneva Hub for EiE at Rue de Varembé 7, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

The event is proudly co-sponsored by the Global Geneva Hub for Education in Emergencies (EiE) and the International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC).

The report provides an overview of the data landscape on IDPs’ education and topline estimates of the number of internally displaced boys and girls of a school age in 13 countries:  Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.  

It explores different data sources and methodologies to measure IDPs’ access to education, and the cost of providing them with education support. It concludes by outlining promising practices and ways forward in improving the collection and use of reliable, timely and comparable data to inform effective interventions. The study and resulting report were made possible thanks to the generous contribution of the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).  



Welcome and opening remarks by Ms Petra Heusser, Coordinator, Geneva Global Hub for EiE 

Presentation of key findings of the report by Ms Louisa Yasukawa, Researcher, IDMC  

Panel discussion moderated by Ms Petra Heusser:  

  • Ms Farishta Afzaly, Youth advocate for gender equality and quality education in Afghanistan 

  • Mr Artur Borkowski, Associate Programme Specialist – EiE Data, UNESCO 

  • Ms Aina Saetre, Statistics and Data Analysis officer, UNHCR 

Closing remarks by Emily Woolf, Head of Education Policy and Partnerships, Girls' Education Department, FCDO