Press centre

For all media enquiries and requests, or to subscribe to our press list, please contact


Press contacts

Mark Gnadt

Head of Communications

+41 079 560 6289




Additional press resources

How to read our data  

Visit our About our data page for information on how we monitor, our methodologies and other insights into our data and processes. Short on time? See our Quick guide on how to read our data.  

News and events  

Visit our News and Events pages to see announcements about new products and upcoming events as well as messages from IDMC on timely topics and links to past events.  

Customised resources 

IDMC has a wealth of displacement data and information that we are unable to make accessible through the platforms below. If you have a specific question or require a unique analysis about internal displacement to help with a story, please let us know. Please include as much detail as possible so we can assess the best way to get you relevant information by your deadline.


Online data resources

Global Internal Displacement Database (GIDD)

This data dashboard displays global and country-level data on internal displacements (movements) and internally displaced people (IDPs) that we have validated for the previous year available. You can search by location, type of displacement and date range.  

Country profiles

Our country profile pages provide additional validated country-specific data for recent years as well as links to additional information for each country.  

Internal Displacement Updates (IDU)

Use this map to access the latest preliminary data on displacement events worldwide collected from our various sources. Note that this data is not validated and therefore subject to change as we get additional information.  

Global Repository of Best Practices

This platform allows you to search examples of policies and programmatic approaches identified as supporting better solutions for internally displaced people worldwide. 

Displacement severity assessments

IDMC’s severity assessments compare IDPs’ living conditions to those of their host community or non-displaced communities in the same country.

Online analysis resources

Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID)

Published once per year, IDMC’s GRID is the authoritative source of validated data and analysis related to internal displacement worldwide.

All other publications

IDMC publishes numerous reports on internal displacement through different geographic or thematic lenses. Search our publications to find detailed information on topics relevant to your work.