IDMC Expert Forum 2020: Internal Displacement in a Changing Climate

As a lead-in to the 2021 edition of our Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID), IDMC is organising a programme of online expert forums and high-level dialogues in 2020 and early 2021. The aims are to refocus the internal displacement debate; to exchange on the many existing metrics, tools and platforms available for policy-makers; and to generate an environment for risk-informed humanitarian and development planning.
"With climate change making extreme weather events much more frequent and intense, it is projected that disaster displacement will increase, particularly in developing countries."

Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR
To accelerate the work of the three expert forums, IDMC will convene two online high-level dialogues that will present and discuss the relevance of each of the three issues from a global and national policy perspective.
The first dialogue "Evidence vs. Myth: Understanding Displacement in a Changing Climate" was held on December 8th, 2020 and focused on the (mis)use of data and evidence in global policy-making and public awareness-raising.
This online expert forum will bring together global and national displacement data providers and users to:
- review the state of information on displacement in the context of disasters and climate change;
- share experience, new tools and methods, and lessons learned;
- collectively agree on the key recommendations for countries interested in strengthening their accounting system for disaster- and climate-related displacement.
For more information on this expert forum and how to participate, please contact
This online expert forum will :
- undertake a collective review of existing tools and methodologies for assessing sudden- and slow-onset disaster displacement risk;
- reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and their relevance to policy-making and operations;
- develop a suite of options currently available to countries that are willing to invest in assessing displacement risk associated with disaster and climate change.
For more information on this expert forum and how to participate, please contact
Expert forum organised by IDMC at the Gobeshona Global Conference on Climate Change Adaptation
Thursday 21 January 2021 | 10.00 – 11.30 CET
Register here
This online expert forum will identify and review forward-looking strategies, focusing on community-based resilience building and locally led adaptation, and feature examples of best practices from Bangladesh as well as West and Central Africa.
Find more information here or contact
"Displacement in the context of disasters and adverse effects of climate change is one of today’s biggest humanitarian challenges and its significance will increase in the future."

Prof. Walter Kaelin, Envoy of the Chair, Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD)
"Internally displaced persons are among the most vulnerable and face a variety of risks to their lives, health and well-being."

António Guterres, United Nations (UN), Secretary General
Photo credits
- Background image with quote from M. Mizutori: kakela
- Background image with quote from W. Kaelin: ACES/Bruce Dupree
- Background image with quote from António Guterres: AusAID/Jeong Park