Global report

14 May 2014

Global Overview 2014: people internally displaced by conflict and violence

Global Overview 2014: people internally displaced by conflict and violence

The Global Overview 2014 is IDMC’s flagship annual report, this year revealing a staggering increase in global displacement worldwide with a particular escalation in the figures in the Middle East and in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Global Overview 2014: people internally displaced by conflict and violence explores a number of key challenges including in terms of data collection, IDPs outside of camps, and the complexities around the compounding effects of natural hazards and conflict. 

The report covers displacement occurring in 2013 and is based on data provided by governments, NGO partners and UN agencies. It documents the figures and analysis of internal displacement in five regions and in 60 conflict-affected countries and territories in 2013 – the year that IDMC celebrated its 15th year of global monitoring.

Full report

Global Overview 2014: People internally displaced by conflict and violence 

Report highlights

At a glance

En bref

A grandes rasgos

لمحة سريعة

Press releases

A record 33.3 million now displaced by war worldwide, as one family flees inside Syria every 60 seconds

A l'heure actuelle, 33,3 millions de personnes sont déplacées par les conflits à travers le monde : une famille syrienne fuit son foyer toutes les 60 secondes

وصل عدد النازحين جراء الحروب في جميع أنحاء العالم الآن إلى رقم قياسي يبلغ 33.3 مليون شخص، حيث تفر أسرة واحدة  داخل سوريا كل 60 ثانية

Récord de 33,3 millones de desplazados por las guerras en todo el mundo; en Siria, una familia se desplaza dentro del país cada 60 segundos

A record 33.3 million displaced by war worldwide, with Nigeria in the top 5 countries most affected

33,3 millions de personnes déplacées par les conflits à travers le monde : le Nigéria figure parmi les cinq pays les plus touchés

Graphics & images

Report cover image

Global map

Carte du monde
