Global report

06 May 2015

Global Overview 2015: People internally displaced by conflict and violence

Global Overview 2015: People internally displaced by conflict and violence
As of the end of 2014, 38 million people around the world had been forced to flee their homes by conflict and violence.  Never in the last 10 years of IDMC’s global reporting, have we reported such a high estimate for the number of people newly displaced in a year.
This report is based on data and analysis gathered between January and December 2014 in 60 countries and territories across the world. Our research shows that the causes and impacts of displacement are multiple and often overlapping, including those related to disasters induced by natural hazards

Full report

The Global Overview 2015: People internally displaced by conflict and violence

Press releases

A record 38 million internally displaced worldwide, as 30,000 people fled their homes each day in 2014

Nombre record de 38 millions de déplacés internes à travers le monde en 2014, l’équivalent de 30 000 individus obligés de fuir leurs foyers chaque jour

Un récord de 38 millones de desplazados en todo el mundo, al mismo tiempo que 30 000 personas tuvieron que huir de sus hogares a diario en 2014

رقم قياسي جديد في عدد النازحين داخل بلدانهم، يبلغ 38 مليون نازح

Report Highlights

Global Overview 2015: People internally displaced by conflict and violence

«Global Overview 2015»: Vue d'ensemble des personnes déplacées à l'intérieur de leur propre pays par les conflits et la violence

Informe global 2015: desplazados internos por conflicto y violencia

استعراض عالمي العام 2015: الأشخاص النازحون داخلياً بسبب النزاعات والعنف

Graphics & images

Global Overview 2015


Global map