Global report
17 September 2020
Internal Displacement Index 2020 Report

The Internal Displacement Index (IDI) is a new way to more comprehensively measure global progress on internal displacement.
At the end of 2019, the number of people internally displaced by conflict, violence or disasters around the world had reached an all-time high of 50.8 million. Contributing to these record figures, 33.4 million new displacements were recorded in 2019, the highest annual figure since 2012. These ever-increasing figures clearly point to the need for more effective actions to prevent and mitigate internal displacement. Reporting on the numbers of IDPs and displacements is useful to give a sense of the scale of the phenomenon, but it is not enough to inform better policies or guide prioritisation. With this in mind, IDMC developed this new tool to supplement its existing measures with more information on displacement situations.
This report presents the first results of the IDI for 46 countries affected by both conflict and disaster displacement. Certain countries that may have high levels of displacement linked with disasters but no conflict-related displacement, or vice-versa, are not included in this first edition.
This report is published with the goal of facilitating the monitoring of progress on internal displacement by affected governments, their partners, aid providers, development agencies, academics and other interested stakeholders. It is also intended to raise awareness on the need to address internal displacement through comprehensive policy and development investments, while pointing to specific challenges and good practices from around the world.