

14 May 2024

Syria - Disasters compound challenges for IDPs and drive first increase in displacements in four years

Syria continues to grapple with one of the world’s largest and most protracted internal displacement situations, with 7.2 million IDPs as of the end of 2023, a 6 per cent increase from 2022. The number of displacements recorded during the year rose for the first time since 2019, especially in the north-western governorates of Aleppo and Idlib, which already hosted 52 per cent of the country’s IDPs.

Both governorates were the scene of conflict and disasters in 2023, which triggered new and repeated movements, prolonging IDPs’ needs. A series of high-magnitude earthquakes, with epicentres in neighbouring Türkiye, struck in February, illustrating how conflict and disasters combine to amplify displacement risk. These events left millions of Syrians living in heightened vulnerability.

Map of 52% of the IDPs by conflict and violence were in Idlib and Aleppo governorates